Are there any markers of success? For some people, this is a bank account with a large amount of money, for someone traveling several times a year, and for more practical people, this is a car and a house.
Almost every owner of a car and a private house asks himself a question “why build a canopy?” when it comes to build or design his area. You can look for some variants at

Canopy advantages:
- A canopy can be built at the last stage of construction, when the house and all the necessary buildings are done, you can invest it in your motorist’s comfort.
- Suppose that in a heavy downpour you need to load the car on a long trip or unload it from the car, fasten the child in the car seat, and what if there are more than one child? This is where the main value of the canopy lies. By doing all these things, you will not get wet, and the passengers who help you will not get wet either.
- Well, whatever one may say, in winter it sweeps snow under a canopy much less than without it.
- In summer, the car is less heated in the sun under a shade shail.
- You can use a canopy when something needs to be crafted outdoors, especially dusting, polishing. Especially in the fall, this theme helps out.
A garage or a canopy?

It takes little time to build a structure. In one day everything will be ready. For such a period, it will definitely not work to build a full-fledged garage. Therefore, such a solution for a country house is the most adequate.
If you already have a garage, you can arrange a shed in front of it. Then you can choose where to store the car, or put cars under it if someone comes to visit.